Sunday, 25 November 2012


Yesterday evening I watched the last few minutes of the Antiques Roadshow, I recalled they used to have a spot where each week one of the experts would bring in a treasured item that would be the one thing they would save if they had a fire. It got me thinking about what I would save, obviously family comes first but after that I decided it would be this ..

This is a sampler worked by my great great grandmother! she finished it when she was THIRTEEN years old in 1831. It is absolutely beautiful, wonderful colours and the needlework is very accomplished for someone so young - methinks she might have had some help! There was no electricity then so it must have been worked by candlelight in the evenings. It has been carefully looked after by family through the generations since then. It was given to me by my elderly aunt who had spent some effort in getting it restored by the Royal School of Needlework, who dyed threads to match and repair. I have it hanging in the house but in a darkish corner where the light won't fade it. Hardly anyone does work of this nature now and I wonder what our legacy will be to our own children? in my case lots of (probably tatty by then!) crochet blankets!